Rascal Remedies


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Rascal Remedies believes that part of the company mission is to educate parents about our products, ingredients, how they work and how to safely use them with their Rascals. Below are a series of resources to help explain about essential oils, the uses, our ingredients and more. 

If you have any questions about our products, please contact info@rascalremedies.com


Essentail Oils

For Thousands of years, parents have used essential oils (EOs) to help rascals feel better. As parents ourselves, we've tried and tested a range of EOs, and want to share about some of our favourites with you.

Read on, to learn about essential oils to be found in the garden of Rascalonia and their many benefits. 



From general Essential Oil questions to how to use our products.

If you still need support or have questions, please contact us at info@rascalremedies.com

About Us

Who We Are

We are inspired by nature, ignited by imagination and invested in quality.

Rascal Remedies truly celebrates the power of nature. We’ve created a wellness line that highlights essential oils, some of the most potent and researched ingredients that nature has to offer.